My Lost City Journey

2025-02-07 - Dragon Slayer

Today I completed the Dragon Slayer quest, and made a new friend who did the Shield of Arrav quest with me. I'm killing hill giants now to train my combat level and hopefully equip a rune sword.

2025-02-08 - First Rune Item

After training at giants for a while, and selling a bunch of the items i received as drops i was able to get 40 attack! i immediately sold my old adamant sword and bought a rune sword from the champions guild (proud member!). Attached is the picture of me fighting al-karid guards to finish off the rest of my level

Rune Sword Purchased

I finally scrounged together enough coins to purchase a Rune sword

Admiring The View

Afterwards I had to pose for a nice picture with my new sword

60 Cooking and past 500 Total Level

I made a new friend today and I took the fish they were going to drop and cooked them, and eventually was able to cook enough to get 60 cooking!

Made it to the front page of a high score!

I finally made it onto the front page of a high score! I'm going to keep trying to see how far I can go up on the cooking leaderboards. Rest time now, as it's 4 AM.

2025-02-09 - A day of cooking

I got to 75 cooking today! I spent the entire day cooking food, buying, and selling food and gained nearly 30 levels. This wouldn't have been possible either, but I made a new friend named Vegeta, and they let me cook their raw lobsters and give them back. Thank you!! 

The Leaderboard

I made it to rank two! Hopefully I'll be able to get to rank 1

My Bank

This is what my bank is currently looking like, the lobsters are Vegeta's.

2025-02-10 - Level 80!

Today Vegeta let me cook the rest of their Lobsters, now they have 7,000!! That's so many I'm impressed. I'm now back to cooking salmon and trout which will slow things down a bit, but there was an update that made cooking 25% faster which has been super nice! I got the rhythm down quicker than expected and I'm looking forward to cooking more tomorrow. I'm happy to login every day, the people I've made friends with really make me look forward to this and they've been cheering me on so much. Thank you everyone <3


I got another genie right as I was about to log out for the night. Free prayer xp!

Bank Update

I'm hovering around 60k gp worth of gold and items, enough to continue training my cooking thankfully!

2025-02-11 - New friends!

Mogn showed up to me getting 84 cooking! I also made a few more friends with people who like to fish so I'm able to get and cook my own lobsters that aren't just for other people now! It's been really nice, the extra xp is going a long way. I'm super thankful to everyone who continues to help me towards my goal, if I keep this up I could be the first person with a 99 and the first person to 99 cooking!

Highscores for today

The high scores updates right before I got my 84 cooking, but it snapshotted at a cool exp amount! Also, I created a 1 million XP lead and am only 300k exp away from rank 1 now!

Mogn cheering

Here's Mogn again, showed up to my 82 cooking as well hehe. He was out PKing runecrafters

This is my friend Shhh

They've been helping me by trading me their raw lobsters for my cooked lobsters! They let me take a pic with them

A pic of us trading and what it looks like

They fish so many lobsters so quick!!

2025-02-12 - Finally Rank 1

I finally made it to rank 1 cooking! I played super hard today, and even dipped into new kinds of fish! Tsun has been helping me a ton and started fishing Tuna and Swordfish today which I'm trying out selling, and since I've hit 86 cooking I can no longer burn them which is perfect timing! Now that I'm rank 1 the current goals are to hold the position, and also obtain the spot of having the highest level skill in the game, which currently is held by Tim who has 88 woodcutting. I'm currently 700k exp behind them, so I definitely think catching up is doable especially with how fast cooking has been going! Looking forward to being in the 90s soon.

A picture of my current bank, my stats, and I went to barbarian Village to hang out with all the fishers who helped me along the way after I hit rank 1! Couldn't be more grateful for the friends I've made along the way so far.

2025-02-13 - No more debt!

I finally was able to earn enough money to pay back all the debts I had, which were all very minor (5-10k to a few people and some lobsters.) which means everything in my bank is 100% mine now!! Thank you so much to those who have been helping me out and let me do small loans here and there while my products were selling. I reached 88 cooking also!! 2 more levels away and we'll be in the 90s which is super exciting news.

Current Bank

Just a nice little status update, it's fun being able to sell so many different types of fish!

Current Highscores

Here's the current highscores as of me going to bed, I created a pretty significant lead! Though, we're not done yet as the rank 1 woodcutter is still 650k exp above me.

2025-02-15 - Half Way There!

We finally did it! With lots of people now selling us food and a bunch of friends made along the way, we managed to get 92 cooking! I did so much exp today, over 1.5million exp. I hope i can do similar numbers tomorrow as this will get me super close to my goal and by Friday I'll be able to finish up the 99! I also passed the woodcutter who had more overall XP than me, and this made me the first person to get 92 in the game! I'm going to try to keep this lead all the way and get the first 99 if possible. :)


A current snapshot of the cooking highscores! we've gotten so far ahead of the other cooks!

My Overall Skills

One of these skills is not like the other

2025-02-17 - The Final Stretch

So much has been happening! I didn't post yesterday but we're all the way up to 96 now. Tsun has been an amazing help, letting me swap plenty of lobsters and swordfish so I can continue cooking. The fishing union have been nothing short of amazing and this definitely wouldn't be possible without them. I'm planning to get 99 on Friday, so I gotta keep grinding to make sure I'm ready for it!

Highscores from Yesterday

Just to keep a nice little log of where we left off and got to

The Current Highscores!

We made so much progress! We created a 1 million XP lead before heading to bed for the night over the rank 1 woodcutter, so we're very en route to getting the first 99! Below is the rank 1 woodcutters exp.

The current food reserves

Here's what the bank currently looks like, the cash stack is getting slimmed out! Gonna have to sell some of these swordfish and lobsters.

2025-02-19 - Party Date Set!

Today I got 97 cooking! I missed updating the blog yesterday but that's okay, I've been going to bed so late! Everybody continues being so supportive it's super fun. I set the date and time for the 99 party also! It'll be at 7 PM EST, this Friday (two days away!). I just need to get 1m exp both days and I'll be there which should be no problem at all!

Current Highscores

We've come so far on the cooking high scores! It feels so good seeing myself just 2m xp away from 99. Below is the next closest person to a 99, so we're doing great right now!

My current bank!

My networth has gone up so much now! I'm able to hold on to so much food at once I'm basically cooking lobsters and swordfish 24/7, it feels great.